As the times change and new procedures for safety are being adopted, Presco is constantly adapting by creating new products that can be utilized by not only our frontline workers but also the community. It is no longer uncommon to see floor markers, safety barriers, partitions, and personal protective gear during the course of our everyday activities. Today, an outing to the grocery requires certain precautions that would have previously seemed absurd-but are now necessary. With local authorities taking a more aggressive approach to preventing the spread of COVID-19, Presco wants to ensure that we are employing all of our resources and providing beneficial products to our frontline workers. Here are just a few of the Presco marking products you can expect to find being used in familiar (and some unfamiliar) ways…
Aisle Marking Tape–Presco’s line of Aisle Marking Tapes is 6mil pressure sensitive PVC adhesive tape that allows for easy lane marking. You may notice those yellow floor markings in your local stores which have arrows directing the flow of shopping traffic, or red/white tape indicating proper distancing procedures when standing in the checkout lanes. These directionals are all being used to keep consumer traffic flowing while maintaining appropriate distancing standards.
Barricade Tape–Presco has a variety of barricade tapes, including “COVID-19” specific tapes that can be found around parks and other public gathering places. These tapes are used to rope off areas that the State or local officials consider to be a health risk to the community.
Roll Flagging–Roll flagging comes in a variety of colors and textures, and even in biodegradable options. Municipalities are utilizing durable strands of roll flagging to create visual barriers around storefronts, recreational facilities, and to signal COVID-19 testing sites around the globe.
Safety Barrier Fence– With crowd control being of the utmost importance during these uncertain times, the products we use must be suited to the needs of the situation. With Safety Barrier Fencing coming in a variety of strengths, it is ideal for use in high traffic areas such as home improvement stores, supermarkets and other mass retailers where large amounts of people can be appropriately separated and directed towards their desired locations.
Pennant Flags– The use of pennant flags is another avenue in which the retail industry has been utilizing safety marking products. Storefronts string up these brightly colored pennant flags to create organized customer lines outside of retail outlets to enable smooth and orderly transitions in and out of stores.
PPE Gowns– With WHO estimating that industry must increase manufacturing by 40 percent to meet the rising demand for global PPE equipment, Presco is pleased to be one of the Nation’s leading providers in PVC materials for manufacturers working towards getting ahead of this curve. Keeping our healthcare workers equipped with proper PPE equipment is imperative to combatting COVID and saving lives.
Safety Partitions– Presco has developed 12mil and 16mil perforated double polish, clear plastic drapery panels. These panels are manufactured in various roll sizes for easy application, which can be utilized to separate patients in the healthcare industry, used as dividers in restaurants and schools, and separation devices for ride-sharing businesses like Uber and Lyft.
Overhead “Pop-up tents”– Presco’s PVC materials can be used in many applications across the healthcare industry. One of these uses is the “Anti-Droplet Safety Barrier Cover.” These disposable safety products are being used by healthcare workers to protect themselves from exposure to airborne COVID-19 droplets in patients who may have contracted the disease or have been admitted to the hospital for immediate care. With a quick and easy assembly process, these safety covers are applied over the heads, necks, and shoulders of patients to prevent contraction of the virus and still allow medical workers to have easy access to necessary medical procedures such as intubation for breathing tubes.
Pop-Up Tents for EMT’s– Another practical use for these safety covers or “pop-up tents,” are by EMT’s and Paramedics when they are administering care to individuals who are thought to have the novel Coronavirus. At this capacity, a much more considerable variation of the tent will be employed and placed over the entire body of the patient prior to transport to assist in minimizing potential airborne virus particles between the EMT workers and the patient.
Temporary Field Hospitals– Field hospitals are being used across the United States to provide additional medical facility support so that cities and municipalities can quickly screen and efficiently treat COVID-19 patients. Within 15 minutes, these “pop-up” field hospitals are assembled and ready to treat patients. The plasticizers incorporated into the Presco PVC matrix allow for ample flexibility and maximum durability qualities, which are necessary for the structural support system when bracing these large tented areas. These PVC products can be used not only as a stand-alone product but can also be laminated to another product or used in various inflatable support functions for the construction of these field hospitals.
At Presco, our desire is to develop products that can be used quickly, efficiently, continually, and effortlessly by hospitals, businesses, schools, and other operations to prevent the spread of this unfamiliar enemy. If you would like to partner with Presco to assist in providing our Nation with safety materials that combat COVID, reach out to us at 1-800-527-3295.