As we dive deeper into 2020, remaining consistent with our original resolutions must be at the top of our safety agenda. We cannot forget how imperative it is to make sure job site employees have all the safety materials necessary to avoid injuries and hefty OSHA fines. This is the perfect time to take a look at your current company safety training handouts, datasheets, and other safety-related reading materials, and give them a user-friendly facelift.
Did you know that nearly 75% of construction worker’s safety training materials are written above an 8th-grade reading level? Although this doesn’t sound immediately shocking, it does go against many communication expert’s recommendations and can decrease the absorbency of valuable information attempting to be conveyed to workers. When reading these documents, ask yourself a few questions:
- Does it focus on one key message?
- Is there a “Call to Action” at the start of the document to summarize the main message?
- Are there step-by-step instructions that are clear and concise?
- Are there boldly defined subheadings to point out key points?
Since safety materials are required to address many different audiences with various messages, we have put together a short list of ways in which you can ensure employees are gaining the most from company safety practices:
- Know your audience– Read your audience and know how to best communicate information to them. What are their interests? How can you appeal to them?
- Tell a story– Engage your audience by inspiring them with a story. Studies have shown that you can significantly increase an individual’s retention by teaching this way.
- Write for your audience– Whatever you do, make sure to write training documents as if you were the reader. Use their language and see how much more receptive they will be.
- Keep it short and simple– Don’t wear your reader out with big words and complex sentences. The simpler the information is to understand, the greater it’s value will be to you.
- Be bold– Highlight essential items, keywords, and subheadings with bold lettering to guide the reader’s eyes to pertinent information.
Presco not only raises the bar in safety marking products, but we also value our employees who make it possible. Find out how Presco products can contribute to your safety resolutions by calling us at 1-800-527-3295, today!