CO Pesticide Application Signs
Colorado 35-10-112. Notification requirements – registry of pesticide-sensitive persons -preemption.
(c) The notice-of-application signs specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (2) shall be water resistant and shall measure at least four inches in height and five inches in width. The sign shall contain the following information in black lettering and symbols on a bright yellow background:
(I) The word “WARNING”, in at least sixty-point bold-faced type;
(II) The words “PESTICIDES APPLIED”, in at least twenty-four-point bold-faced type;
(III) The symbol of a circle at least two inches in diameter with a diagonal slash over an adult, child, and dog; and
(IV) The name of the commercial, limited commercial, or public applicator which made the application, in at least eighteen-point bold-faced type.
(d) If a commercial or limited commercial applicator makes a pesticide application on a commercial property site pursuant to paragraphs (a) or (b) of this subsection (2) and an owner of the site or an agent of an owner of the site is not present at the site, then, in addition to the information required by paragraph (c) of this subsection
(2), the notice-of-application signs posted by the applicator at the site shall also contain the following information in black lettering and symbols on a bright yellow background in at least eighteen-point bold-faced type:
(I) The telephone number of the applicator;
(II) The name of the pesticide applied; and
(III) The date the pesticide was applied.
State Regulations Website
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