It looks like 2019 is going to be another summer scorcher in the United States, with temperatures rising well into the 90’s and higher in June. These high temperatures put a large number of workers at risk and Presco urges everyone to take the proper precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses.
Why is heat such a hazard to workers?
It is the body’s job to rid itself of extra heat to maintain the proper internal temperature to function. It does this by circulating blood throughout the system and sweating through pores in the skin. In order for the body to cool itself through sweating the humidity must be low enough to do so. Sweating is only effective if the humidity level is low enough to allow evaporation, and if the fluids lost are replaced with adequate amounts. If the body can not cool itself, it will begin to store the heat. When this takes place the body’s core temperature rises, and the heart rate speeds up.
As the body continues to store heat you may see these symptoms:
• Hard to focus
• Excessive sweating
• Cool, pale clammy skin
• Feel faint or dizzy
• Rapid, weak pulse
• Muscle cramps
• Nausea or vomiting.
These are signs of Heat Exhaustion.
If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms – do the following:
• Get to cooler, air-conditioned environment
• Drink water if fully conscious
•Take a cool shower or use cold compresses
If someone is experiencing the following:
• a throbbing headache
• no longer sweating
• lose consciousness
• Rapid, strong pulse
• Feel nausea or begin vomiting
• Body temperature reaches 103º or higher
• Red, hot with dry skin
It is possible they are having a Heat Stroke.
The following should take place:
CALL 911
•Take immediate action to cool the person until help arrives
Every year, thousands of workers become sick from occupational heat exposure, and some are fatally injured. These illnesses and fatalities are preventable. Employees should encourage workers to take breaks, especially if in direct sunlight. Cooling areas should be set up on work sites that includes light-colored tents with seating, drinking water, and good air flow. You can rope off these areas with Presco barricade tapes or Presco Safety fencing to make it easier for workers to identify the designated areas.