OUT OF THE BOX is an expression that describes non-conformal, creative thinking. Being a company built primarily by engineers gives way to this type of behavior on a daily basis. What we may not have been able to do in the past is not a “no” factor…it’s a “not yet” factor.
Today’s technology lends opportunities that were not to be achieved in the past. New industries and changing standards within existing markets are a welcomed challenge at Presco but better yet, a chance to see just how far “Out of the Box” we are able to go to achieve what our customers need. This could include a new product line or just a few tweaks to meet new guidelines required.
We also understand that changes happen quickly and Presco works diligently to stay a step ahead of whatever new technology and materials are available. Thus, giving our customers accurate and state-of-the-art options and results. After all, being the manufacturer means your standards ARE our standards.
So if you’re looking for a product that can’t be found “inside of the box” give our Presco team a call and let us help you create your own OOTB material.